Road to Kickstarter #13: Launch Date
Greetings Heroes,
Are you ready for some more exciting news, heroes? We have a launch date for the Kickstarter campaign! Read on for some sample week reflections from Nick, while Kyle & John update us on just a few of the many things they're doing to prepare for the big day.
Nick & Ryan, Product
I’ll be honest—I wasn’t expecting the response we got from last weeks RTK email. If you spent any time in the comment section, you will find many passionate (and valid) arguments for changes that should take place in the next iteration of the planner. To make things even harder, a lot of the feedback was conflicting. That said, we’ve been having long conversations this week about how we can make as many heroes happy as possible.
Generally speaking the feedback boils down to these two camps: camp coils and camp no coils. This one design decision can really effect the experience heroes have with this planner, and we’ve been exploring ways we can make everyone happy, without compromising the vision we had for The Hero’s Planner.
In full transparency, we’ve been looking at tons of different binding styles and designs, and haven’t landed on one yet. But what we have landed on is a Kickstarter launch date: June 27th! Mark your calendars.
In the meantime we are opening up pre-orders for our newest journal: Spellbound Edition on May 9th! We worked hard on this collectors edition of the journal and I don’t want the excitement of Kickstarter to overshadow it!
Kyle, Operations
Now that we have had the excitement of the first sample for about a week now, we have more exciting news: Launch Day! Before ever running our first Kickstarter, I thought release days were just days on the calendar that give the creators warm and fuzzy feelings. Low and behold, there are actually a lot of logistical considerations to make.
First and foremost, Tuesdays are by and far and away the most successful days to launch a Kickstarter campaign. The numbers don’t lie. So you guessed it, June 27th is a Tuesday.
The other major consideration is lead time for production, receiving, and fulfilling the different bundles. When it comes to Kickstarter, it can get complicated very quickly with all of the different products and goodies that will go into each pledge tier, so we want to make sure that we allot the appropriate amount of time for us to get them to you all in a timely manner.
John, Community
Wait, June 27th?! That means we only have less than 2-months to get everything finished. 🙀 But fear not, heroes, as I'm happy to report that we're currently well on track. This week, I'm thrilled to announce that we've recently added a new member to our Hero Service team - the one and only Social Media Sorceress, Renae! Renae has been a crucial part of our team for some time now, not only for social media publishing, but also for handling most of our Facebook Messenger inquiries with ease. So, when we decided to ramp up our Hero Service support in preparation for the upcoming Kickstarter, she was the perfect choice for the job. And let me tell you, she's been an absolute delight to train so far. Keep an eye out for her behind the email soon!
We couldn't do any of this without our amazing community. Your support and enthusiasm have been an inspiration to us every step of the way, and we're so excited to bring you the next chapter in our journey. From all of us here at The Hero's Journal, thank you for your support, and we can't wait to share more updates with you soon! 🧙♂️
PS: Plushies?
I am so VERY excited! A Yew planner! I have 2 each of all 3 journals! I even take a blank page for journaling and I include all the features: seize the day; 3 gratefuls; threats; and allies! I even used my 1st Yew journal as a healthy habit tracker! The journals have transformed my life! I wish I could help monetarily! 😪 I love this project. I CANNOT wait to own one!
I personally would rather be able to buy unbound than spiral bound. (I am partial to using discbound/Happy Planner punch and discs.)
Excited to see this although I love the daily option too.
I cannot wait for a weekly planner option! I have been adapting my heroes journal as a weekly journal for several months now. It will help to have one designed for this with all the Hero features I already love!
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